Please Be Aware
We have a children in school whose immunity are very low. Please contact the School immediately if your child suffers from any infections i.e. chicken pox, chest infections, tummy bugs.
Sickness Bug
After consultation with the Health Authority could we please remind all parents that children should be kept away from School 48 hours after their last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.
Head Lice
There have been some cases of head lice. For guidance, please go to:
Let’s make St Thomas’s a nit-free School
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
Information can be found about the symptoms and treatment at:
Administering Medication in School
The school will not administer medicines that have not been prescribed by a medical professional. Paracetamol or hay fever medications are the only exception to this as the NHS is no longer prescribing them (cost). These will only be administered on the advice of a medical professional.
Medicines should always be provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and should include the prescribers instructions for administration.
A syringe or spoon should also be provided with the medication if one is needed to take the medication.
Request to give medication in school