School Diocesan RE Inspection

RE and Catholic Life in school was last inspected in January 2019.

The report is available below:


Summary of key findings:

This is an Outstanding Catholic Primary School

The Catholic Life of St Thomas of Canterbury school is outstanding. Governors,senior leaders and staff have high expectations and a shared vision with regard to the Catholic mission and ethos of the school. Pupils make an outstanding contribution to the Catholic Life of the school taking a lead role in activities which promote the school’s ethos within school, parish and wider community.

The quality of Religious Education is outstanding. Teachers have deep subject knowledge and plan high quality lessons that inspire children to think about their faith and how to live their lives. Children enjoy their learning and as a result make good or better progress over time.

The quality of Collective Worship is outstanding, is central to the life of the schooland is a key part of every school celebration. Staff and pupils plan and lead high quality acts of worship and pupils act with the deepest reverence and respect.