Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Umbrella Trust - PROMOTING POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR POLICY

Company number 8180450

Catholic Ethos
“Catholics believe that Religious Education is not one subject amongst many, but the foundation of the entire education process. The beliefs and values it communicates should inspire and unify every aspect of school life.”
(Bishop’s conference of England and Wales)

1. Introduction

  • This document is intended to outline the guiding principles of the schools’ policy on positive behaviour, and how they are translated into action within each school. The policy is written in order to ensure consistency. Promoting positive behaviour is based on the principle of personal responsibility and fairness. Every member of the wider school community should accept personal responsibility for their actions.
  • The schools’ policy for promoting positive behaviour is designed to support teaching and learning in its widest sense, developing not only the academic but also the spiritual, moral, social and emotional well-being of the child.
  • It is based on the premise that every member of our school communities has the right:
    • To be treated with respect
    • To feel and be safe
    • To learn

2. A Positive Approach

  • Each school has a positive approach to behaviour - rewarding, recognising, celebrating and praising good behaviour. Each adult must lead by example, as an outstanding role model.
  • Where pupil behaviour falls below expectations, we aim to respond with a high degree of consistency, whilst taking into account the age and level of emotional development of each child.
  • Forgiveness is at the centre of our faith and means that everyone is given the opportunity to make a fresh start, once agreed sanctions or consequences have been applied.

“The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control...”
(St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians)

3. What kinds of behaviour merit encouragement?

Achievement - Kindness - Politeness - Co-operation
Collaboration - Care for others - Enthusiasm
Appropriate quietness and stillness - Patience - Gentleness - Reverence
Self control - Quality and presentation of work - Perseverance
Respect for people and property - Courtesy - Punctuality

4. Behaviour which is unacceptable in any of our schools

Racism - Bullying - Physical violence to another person - Name calling
Acts likely to harm others or put a person’s health and safety at risk
Behaviour which disrupts teaching and learning - Bad language - Telling lies
Wilful damage to property - Stealing - Abusive language to child or adult
Blatant defiance of an adult - Rudeness - Threatening behaviour

Being in possession of a knife or other implement that could be used to injure (whether intended to use or not)

5. Guidance for Promoting Positive Behaviour

The rules for pupil behaviour are re-presented to the children at the start of the year in a way agreed upon by the school in question. For instance, each class could create a Class Charter which is agreed at the beginning of the year by the teacher and the pupils, outlining individual rules for the classroom.

Members of staff have the responsibility to interpret these rules in a fair, consistent and impartial manner, with as little disruption to the teaching and learning of the children as possible.

In accordance with the ethos of our schools, good behaviour and good work will be promoted in a variety of ways, as detailed in the appendix.

6. Guidance for dealing with unacceptable behaviour

Each school has agreed a systematic approach to dealing with unacceptable behaviour. It is important that members of staff apply this approach consistently, and that it is well understood by pupils themselves, and by their parents and carers.

This approach is detailed in each individual school’s appendices to this policy.

7. Judging the Impact of the Policy

Each headteacher will keep their Governing Body informed of behaviour within the school and any serious incidents. Any racial and bullying incidents will be reported on a termly basis through the Headteacher’s Report to the Governors.

A delegated governors’ committee will monitor the Behaviour Policy on a regular basis. The Senior Leadership Team of each school should take appropriate regular steps to judge the impact of the policy and report the outcomes to said Committee.

8. Bullying and Racism

Our schools are committed to creating communities where bullying is not tolerated. Anti-bullying policies outline in detail how we aim to achieve this. Any bullying incident will be dealt with in line with school procedures as outlined in the school policy on dealing with bullying incidents.

Our schools are committed to creating communities where racism is not tolerated. Any racial incident will be dealt with in line with school procedures as outlined in the school policy on dealing with racism incidents.

9. Expectations of Stakeholders

What is expected of teachers?

  • Teachers will involve pupils in discussion of behaviour in the school.
  • They will make a note of and report matters of concern to Key Stage Leader or Headteacher.
  • Teachers will exercise due care and supervision in their classroom and around the school.
  • Teachers will listen when a child talks about worries and concerns.
  • Teachers will ensure high quality teaching in the classroom and create the best possible environment for the children.
  • Teachers will help in developing positive attitudes and recognise good behaviour and work.

What is expected of support staff?

  • They will observe closely the children for whom they are responsible.
  • They will work with teachers and the Headteacher in promoting high standards of behaviour within the school.
  • They will report instances of misbehaviour to the appropriate person.
  • They will be positive in their dealings with the children whenever possible.

What is expected of pupils?

  • Pupils will grow in understanding the importance of learning and the part good behaviour plays in this.
  • They will be prepared to tell an adult if something concerns or worries them.
  • They will try to maintain a very high standard of respect and good behaviour.
  • Children will support each other when things go wrong.
  • Children must expect that there is a consequence if they do something which is wrong.

What is expected of parents?

  • Parents should support the school in its professional attempts to promote positive behaviour.
  • Parents will expect to be involved if there are serious matters to discuss. They will support at home, wherever possible, the moral development and teaching of the school.
  • Parents should recognise that the truth is often complex and that, in our schools, we seek only to establish the truth arising from any incident.
  • They will try to set a good example for their children.
  • Parents will not encourage physical violence in or around school at any time.

What is expected of us all?

  • We will all work to preserve the good name of the schools in our Umbrella Trust.
  • We will all be prepared to apologise and make amends if a mistake is made.
  • We will stay calm if there is a dispute and discuss the matter in order to resolve it in the best interests of the child and the whole school.
  • We will work together to raise the standards of behaviour in our schools and ultimately to raise the standard of pupils’ achievements.

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10. Appendix

Appendix A

Each Individual School’s Reward Scheme.

Appendix B

Each Individual School’s Sanctions/Consequences

Appendix D: Screening and searching pupils, confiscation of items

Key Points


  • School staff can search a pupil for any item if the pupil agrees.
  • Head teachers and staff authorised by them have a statutory power to search pupils or their possessions, without consent, where they have reasonable grounds for suspecting that the pupil may have a prohibited item. Prohibited items are:
    • knives or weapons
    • alcohol
    • illegal drugs
    • stolen items
    • tobacco and cigarette papers
    • fireworks
    • pornographic images
    • any article that the member of staff reasonably suspects has been, or is going to be used: to commit an offence, or to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the pupil)
    • head teachers and authorised staff can also search for any item banned by the school rules which has been identified in the rules as an item which may be searched for

Schools’ obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)

Schools’ obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)

Under article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights pupils have a right to respect for their private life. In the context of these particular powers, this means that pupils have the right to expect a reasonable level of personal privacy.

The right under Article 8 is not absolute, it can be interfered with but any interference with this right by a school (or any public body) must be justified and proportionate.

The powers to search in the Education Act 1996 are compatible with Article 8. A school exercising those powers lawfully should have no difficulty in demonstrating that it has also acted in accordance with Article 8. This advice will assist staff in deciding how to exercise the searching powers in a lawful way.

Who can search?

Any teacher who works at the school, and any other person who has the authority of the headteacher.

Under what circumstances?

You must be the same sex as the pupil being searched; and there must be a witness (also a staff member) and, if at all possible, they should be the same sex as the pupil being searched.

There is a limited exception to this rule. You can carry out a search of a pupil of the opposite sex to you and without a witness present, but only where you reasonably believe that there is a risk that serious harm will be caused to a person if you do not conduct the search immediately and where it is not reasonably practicable to summon another member of staff.

When can I search?

If you have reasonable grounds for suspecting that a pupil is in possession of a prohibited item.


School staff can seize any prohibited item found as a result of a search. They can also seize any item, however found, which they consider harmful or detrimental to school discipline. Such items should be handed in to a senior member of staff.


It is not the policy of the school to routinely screen pupils without identified cause.

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Further advice for staff can be found at this link: http://www.education.gov.uk/schools/pupilsupport/behaviour/behaviourpolicies/f0076897/screening-searching-and-confiscation

Appendix E: Physical intervention & use of reasonable force policy

Key Points

1. Definitions

  • Reasonable force’ - actions involving a degree of physical contact with pupils; it can be used to prevent pupils from hurting themselves or others, damaging property, or causing disorder
  • ‘force’ can mean guiding a pupil to safety, breaking up a fight, or restraining a student to prevent violence or injury
  • ‘reasonable in the circumstances’ means using no more force than is needed
  • ‘control’ is either passive – e.g. Standing between pupils, or active e.g. Leading a pupil by the arm out of a classroom
  • ‘restraint’ means to hold back physically or to bring a pupil under control

2. The legal position

Who can use reasonable force?

All members of school staff have a legal power to use reasonable force, and it can apply to other adults, e.g. Unpaid volunteers or parents accompanying students on a school trip.

Staff should use their professional judgement of each situation to make a decision to physically intervene or not.

Staff should avoid causing injury, pain or humiliation, but in some cases it may not be possible. Schools do not require parental consent to use force on a pupil.

3. When can physical force be used

Schools can use reasonable force to:

  • Remove disruptive pupils if they have refused to follow an instruction to leave
  • Prevent a pupil:
    • who disrupts a school event, trip or visit
    • leaving the classroom where this would risk their safety or disrupt others
    • from attacking someone
  • Restrain a pupil at risk of harming themselves through physical outbursts

Schools cannot use force as a punishment – this is always unlawful.

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More detailed advice is contained within the school policy on the Use of Reasonable Force, available on the School Website.

Appendix F: The power to discipline beyond the school gate

Teachers have a statutory power to discipline pupils for misbehaving outside of the school premises. Section 89(5) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 gives head teachers a specific statutory power to regulate pupils’ behaviour in these circumstances "to such extent as is reasonable."

The school will respond to any non-criminal bad behaviour and bullying which occurs anywhere off the school premises and which is witnessed by a staff member or reported to the school; such reports should be made to the headteacher or other senior member of staff, who will apply whatever sanctions seem appropriate, in relation to the general principles laid down in the behaviour policy.

The school may discipline a pupil for:

  • any misbehaviour when the child is:
    • taking part in any school-organised or school-related activity or
    • travelling to or from school or
    • wearing school uniform or
    • in some other way identifiable as a pupil at the school
  • or misbehaviour at any time, whether or not the conditions above apply, that:
    • could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school or
    • poses a threat to another pupil or member of the public or
    • could adversely affect the reputation of the school

In all of these circumstances the head teacher will consider whether it is appropriate to notify the police or anti-social behaviour coordinator in the local authority of the actions taken against a pupil. If the behaviour is criminal or poses a serious threat to a member of the public, the police should always be informed. In addition, school staff should consider whether the misbehaviour may be linked to the child suffering, or being likely to suffer, significant harm. In this case the school staff will follow the school’s safeguarding policy.

Appendix G: Pastoral care for school staff accused of misconduct

Allegations of abuse will be taken seriously. At St Thomas of Canterbury, St Marie’s and St Wilfrid’s Schools, allegations will be dealt with quickly in a fair and consistent way that provides effective protection for the child and supports the person who is the subject of the allegation.

Every effort will be made to maintain confidentiality and guard against unwanted publicity while an allegation is being investigated. Suspension will not be used as an automatic response when an allegation has been reported.

The school will follow those procedures set out in the Safeguarding Sheffield Children documents adopted by the school. The utmost discretion and confidentiality will be employed to ensure that the member of staff is not adversely treated while the matter is being investigated.

Any allegation that is found to be have been false and of a malicious nature will be treated as a most serious matter, and is likely to result in firm sanctions being applied to the perpetrator, at the discretion of the headteacher in consultation with the Chair of Governors.

Appendix H: Assessment for pupils who display continuous disruptive behaviour.

In cases where pupils display continuously disruptive behaviour, the school will, in consultation with parents, seek to involve other agencies in order to carry out a multi-agency assessment of the child.

This will occur when a child has:

  • been excluded temporarily from school on more than one occasion
  • when the headteacher deems it is in the child’s best interests to do so.

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Drafted September 2013