
Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do at St Thomas of Canterbury School. We all work together to safeguard every child in our school community. We all have a statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people.

Our Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding Lead - Louise Clements

Louise Clements

Deputy Safeguarding Leads - Danielle Swain, Rachael Hanson & Matthew Richardson

Danielle SwainRachael HansonMatthew Richardson

SENCO - Lauren McKay

 Lauren Mckay

Safeguarding Governor - Bess Popplewell


Online Safety Lead - Matthew Richardson

Matthew Richardson

Useful Links

Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB) have developed a website to provide easily accessible and up-to-date safeguarding information for professionals, and for children, young people, families and members of the public. 

As part of St Clare MAT, St Thomas of Canterbury School follows all policies of the Trust. The St Clare MAT Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy was developed in partnership with DSLs across the Trust, along with support from Sai Patel from Learn Sheffield, and is rooted in the policies and procedures made by Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB), which are available to view on the Safeguarding Sheffield website.

You can also view a copy of our school Safeguarding Policy by clicking on the attached document at the bottom of this page.

The Barnado's website provides key information for parents and carers related to recognising the signs of abuse and how to support and protect vulnerable children:

Barnado's Website



Safeguarding Policies and Procedures

Whistleblowing Policy

We are an Operation Encompass School

Operation Encompass School

Operation Encompass Parents

Online Safety

At St Thomas of Canterbury Primary School the safety of all of our children is of paramount concern. The children have dedicated online safety lessons and there are regular reminders of how to stay safe online. 

The online safety policy is attached to this page. 

These are a few links to support any concerns:

  • Childline – 0800 1111 (a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything and get help)
  • UK Safer Internet Centre – to report and remove harmful online content and promote the safe and responsible use of technology for young people.
  • Childnet – Advice and resources for children, parents and carers on how to stay safe online
  • CEOP – Online Police support for making a report about online abuse
  • Internet Matters – for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
  • Net-aware – for support from the NSPCC for parents/carers
  • Parent Info – for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
  • Thinkuknow – Thinkuknow is the education programme from CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
  • Common Sense Media – they rate movies, TV shows, books, APPs and more so parents can feel good about the entertainment choices they make for their kids. They offer the largest, most trusted library of independent age-based ratings and reviews


Social MEdia POLICY

Inside school, safe use of our computer systems and networks is of the utmost importance. The Smoothwall filtering system is in place to block inappropriate material and the acceptable use policies detailed below lay out our expectations of ourselves and each other in school.

Acceptable Use Policies

Staff, Governors and Volunteers

Visitors and Contractors

Pupils in Key Stage 1

Pupils in Key Stage 2

Pupils - with symbols to aid understanding
