Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Umbrella Trust - Accessibility Plan

Company number 8180450

The schools recognise their duty under the Disability Discrimination Act , the Equality Act 2010, and the Disability Discrimination regulations 2005, not to discriminate against disabled pupils in their admissions and exclusions, and provision of education and associated services

  • not to treat disabled pupils less favourably
  • to take reasonable steps to avoid putting disabled pupils at a substantial disadvantage
  • to publish an Accessibility Plan.

Our schools provide all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated and adjusted to meet the needs of individual pupils and their preferred learning styles; and endorse the key principles in the National Curriculum 2014 framework, which underpin the development of a more inclusive curriculum:

  • setting suitable learning challenges
  • responding to pupils’ diverse learning needs
  • overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils.

Our school buildings have extended and modernised over many years. Wherever possible, all areas have been made accessible to able and disabled users alike. Where this has not been possible, arrangements are made not to discriminate against anyone needing to use the school facilities through adjustment to timetables and locations of activities.

Drawing up an Action Plan

The 3 areas to be considered in this action plan are:

Improving Education & related activities

The school will continue to seek and follow professional advice, from such as specialist teacher advisers and SEN inspectors/advisers, and appropriate health professionals from the local NHS Trusts.

Improving the Physical environment

The school will take account of the needs of pupils and visitors with physical difficulties and sensory impairments when planning and undertaking future improvements and refurbishments of the site and premises, such as improved access, lighting, acoustic treatment and colour schemes, and more accessible facilities and fittings.

Improving the Provision of information

The school will make itself aware of local services, including those provided through the local authority, for providing information in alternative formats when required or requested

end faq

 TargetsStrategiesOutcomeTimeframeGoals Achieved
Short Term Ensure parents/carers with visual disability have equal opportunity to access information from school. Highlight on all school documentation that goes to parents that it is available in larger print on request. Format of documentation altered appropriately. As required The school reacts to the needs of both adults and children so that the curriculum is accessible.
Ensure the curriculum can be accessed by all children Check timetables and resources are not a barrier to any individual or group’s access to the curriculum All children access all aspects of the curriculum. Ongoing
Any redecorating work within the school is sympathetic to the visually impaired Advice taken re-lighting and colour schemes before any further decorating takes place. The school decorates in a way that is sympathetic to the Visually impaired. As required
Medium Term To ensure the school develops children’s awareness of disability. Ensure there are some learning resources (books etc) that show positive examples of people with disabilities in a positive light. When needed, the school provides written materials in alternative formats. As required  
Invite people with disabilities in to school: Ongoing
Use opportunities to show people with disabilities in a positive light: Recent example = Paralympics Ongoing
Long Term Any future plans for further development of the building take DDA issues in to account. Work with architects when planning modernisations. Where it can be reasonably achieved, the school building continues to be accessible for all. Ongoing  

