Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Umbrella Trust - GOVERNORS’ Statement of Behaviour Principles

Company number 8180450

This statement of principles has been developed in consultation with the leadership teams and governors of the three schools. Its purpose is to give guidance in drawing up the Behaviour Policy, by stating the principles which Governors expect to be followed. The Behaviour Policy is seen by the Governing Bodies concerned as a key way that they can discharge their duty of care to pupils and employees, promote teaching and learning and high standards of attainment, and preserve the excellent reputation of the schools.

Each school has very high expectations of pupils. Each will aim to keep in mind the school’s Catholic foundation and principles of forgiveness, whilst still challenging pupils to recognise the need for due responsibility for their actions. The schools will undertake to treat pupils fairly, and allow for their individual circumstance at the same time as looking to develop all pupils to show the highest standards of behaviour and personal responsibility. We expect pupils to behave well and respect the rules set down in in the schools’ Behaviour Policy. We believe this is the best way to uphold the good names of the schools and to support parents in their challenge of bringing up their children well.

The schools will undertake to promote positive conduct and achievement of all kinds, through all manner of means, formal and informal. However, sanctions will also be necessary. They will be used to demonstrate that poor behaviour is not acceptable; to express the disapproval of the school community; and to deter other pupils from similar behaviour. It is recognised that the application of rewards and sanctions must have regard to the individual situation and the individual child and the Headteacher and staff are expected to use their discretion in their use. An important feature of the school’s work will be to address the needs of vulnerable pupils, and, where possible, offer appropriate support according to their needs. The Governors expect any policy or actions to be in accordance with their responsibilities under equality legislation. The Behaviour Policy must ensure that pupils who are disabled are not placed at a substantial disadvantage, and its impact on pupils according to gender and race must be periodically assessed to ensure fairness.

This Statement of Principles will be reviewed every three years. The Behaviour Policy, which the Headteachers develop in order to give physical form to these principles, is formally shared with Governors every two years.

March 2014