At St Thomas of Canterbury School, we value the abilities and achievements of all our pupils, and are committed to providing for each pupil, the best possible environment for learning.  Inclusion is at the heart of the school.  Our Integrated Resource (IR) is integral to school practice and all pupils are integrated and encouraged to develop their independence skills.  We believe that all children should have access and a common entitlement to a broad and balanced academic and social curriculum, and to be fully included in all aspects of school life.  We believe that all children should be equally valued in school.  We will strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe.

We encourage all members of our school community to be aware of their own strengths and needs through professional reflection, and to understand how they can overcome difficulties, including being able to identify who can support them.

We recognise that many pupils at some point in their school life may experience difficulties which affect their learning and we recognise that these may be long or short term.  We aim to identify these needs as they arise and provide teaching and learning contexts which enable every child to achieve his/her full potential.  In implementing this policy, we believe pupils will be supported to overcome their difficulties.

The Executive Head Teacher, Mr Andrew Truby, has overall legal responsibility for the school,

The Head of School, Mr Liam Colclough, leads the daily running of the school, and has an overview of all aspects of SEND and Inclusion in school.

The SENCo, Miss Dora Pepall, takes the lead role in relation to SEND and Inclusion, including the role of IR Manager. Miss Pepall is SENCo for the school, and is the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children, supported by other members of the Senior Leadership Team.

The Associate SENCo, Miss Ellie Needham, has SENCo responsibilities for the IR pupils, supported by Miss Pepall.

The Child Protection Liaison Officer is Mrs Anne Wileman.

The SEN Governor is Mrs Helena Grady.

 Policy Objectives 

      • To reach high levels of achievement for all.
      • To be an inclusive and emotionally nurturing school.
      • To ensure the equality of opportunity for, and to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against, children with special educational needs.
      • To closely monitor the progress of all pupils in order to identify needs as they arise and provide support as early as possible.
      • To provide full access to the curriculum through careful consideration of planning and provision, by class teachers, SENCo and support staff, as appropriate.
      • To provide specific input matched to individual needs, in addition to differentiated classroom provision, for those pupils with more complex and ongoing SEND, such as those on the SEND register or with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
      • To ensure that children with SEND are perceived positively by all members of the school community and that SEND and inclusive provision is positively valued and accessed by staff and parents/carers.
      • To achieve a high level of staff expertise to meet the needs of all pupils with SEND.
      • To work collaboratively with a range of outside professionals and agencies in order to strive for the maximum educational inclusion, achievement and development of all pupils with SEND.
      • To involve parents/carers in plans to meet their child's additional needs.
      • To involve the children themselves in target setting, as appropriate.
      • To have regard to the following legislation and ensure the relevant guidance is implemented effectively across the school:
      • Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014
      • Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2014
      • Statutory Guidance on Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions 2014
      • Teacher Standards 2012


Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty or disability that calls for special educational provision to be made for them, that is provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.

Slow progress and low attainment do not necessarily mean that a child has SEN and will not automatically lead to the pupil being recorded as having SEN.  However, it may be an indicator of learning difficulties or disabilities.  Equally, we recognise that it should not be assumed that attainment in line with, or exceeding, chronological age means that there is no learning difficulty or disability.

There are four broad areas of SEND.  Some children may have needs which include all these areas, and sometimes children's needs can change over time.

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties*
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs

*Behaviour itself is considered to be a surface feature of an underlying difficulty and is therefore no longer a category in itself.


We accept the principal that pupils' needs should be identified and met as early as possible and that the school will use its best endeavours to ensure that teachers in the school are able to identify and provide support for those pupils who have SEND.  The SENCo is part of the Senior Leadership Team and works closely with the Head Teacher/Head of School to use whole school tracking data as an early identification indicator of pupils needing additional support.  Pupil Progress meetings are held termly with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), SENCo and class teachers to closely monitor progress and identify pupils' needs.

We currently continue to use the P scales in accordance with QCA guidance.  The P scales are integrated into our whole school assessments systems and are used to appropriately plan and monitor the progress of pupils working below National Curriculum levels.

Further details of the P scales can be accessed via the following website: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/p-scales-attainment-targets-for-pupils-with-sen.]

We use a number of additional indicators of SEN which include:

  • The analysis of data including entry profiles, Foundation Stage Profile, EYFS Development Matters, reading levels and pupils assessments, Analyse School Performance data (ASP);
  • Concerns expressed by the class teacher;
  • Following up of parental concerns;
  • Tracking individual pupils progress over time;
  • Information from previous schools;
  • Information from other services, this may include reports from assessments undertaken through Ryegate Children’s Centre.


In order to meet the learning needs of all pupils, teachers carefully consider and plan provision to support pupils’ learning within the curriculum (this includes provision within the teaching of Maths and English using a Mastery approach).  This may involve modifying learning objectives, and include supportive strategies such as scaffolding learning, or by outcome. 

Where pupils are identified as having SEN, the school provides for these additional needs in a variety of ways.  The provision is related specifically to their needs.  Such provision may include:

  • In class support for small groups with the class teacher or teaching assistant;
  • Same Day Intervention (SDI) and pre-teaching;
  • Small group work with the class teacher or teaching assistant;
  • Individual class support or more focused 1:1 work;
  • Further differentiation of resources;
  • Wave 2 interventions. These are specific, additional and time-limited interventions provided for some children who need help to accelerate their progress to enable them to work at or above age-related expectations. Wave 2 interventions are often targeted at a group of pupils with similar needs.
  • Wave 3 interventions.  These are targeted provision for a minority of children where it is necessary to provide highly tailored intervention to accelerate progress or enable children to achieve their potential. This may include one to one or specialist interventions.
  • Provision of alternative learning materials/specialist equipment;
  • Provision of adult time for planning and preparation, e.g. devising interventions and monitoring their effectiveness, creating resources to support learning outcomes;
  • Staff development/training to learn more effective strategies to enhance teaching and learning;
  • Access to specialist teaching and support services, such as the Speech and Language Service, for more detailed assessments of individual needs and advice/training.
  • Access to assessment and profiling of pupils' learning needs through individualised assessment work by the SENCo.
  • For pupils with EHC Plans, provision will meet the recommendations outlined within the plan outcomes.
  • For our more complex learners with EHCPs, as part of our Integrated Resource provision, identified pupils are offered a more personalised curriculum planned and delivered by a specialist SEN teacher.


At the heart of every class in the school is a continuous cycle of planning, teaching and assessment which takes account of the wide range of abilities, aptitudes, abilities and interests of the children, through Quality First Teaching.  This is a process which is closely monitored by the school's Senior Leadership Team.

As progress is the crucial factor in determining the need for additional support, all pupils' progress is monitored closely by class teachers and the Senior Leadership Team.  Adequate progress is that which:

  • Narrows the attainment gap between pupils and peers;
  • Prevents the attainment gap widening;
  • Is equivalent to that of peers starting from the same attainment baseline but less than the majority of peers;
  • Equals or improves upon the pupil's previous rate of progress;
  • Ensures full curricular access;
  • Shows an improvement in self-help and social or personal skills;
  • Shows improvements in the pupil's behaviour.

Further intervention will be triggered when despite receiving targeted support and provision in addition to Quality First Teaching, a pupil:

  • Still makes little or no progress in specific areas of the curriculum over a long period;
  • Continues to work at National Curriculum levels considerably lower than expected for a pupil at a similar age;
  • Continues to experience difficulty in developing English and Numeracy skills;
  • Has emotional/behavioural or social problems which regularly and significantly interfere with the child's or others' learning;
  • Has sensory or physical needs which require additional specialist equipment or regular advice/visits from a specialist service;
  • Has communication or interaction difficulties which interfere with the development of social relationships and act as a barrier to learning.

Monitoring of the progress of individual pupils at this level where specific interventions, targets, strategies and support are in place to support SEN will be through a graduated approach of SEN Support as outlined in the Code of Practice.

This advocates a graduated approach of Assess, Plan, Do, Review, to meeting pupils' needs.  Earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the child's needs in consultation with teachers, parents and where appropriate, the SENCo.  Every class teacher has a professional responsibility to ensure that the needs of each child have been identified and that the appropriate action to meet those needs is taken.

To ensure a high maintenance of support for SEN pupils, the following procedures are followed:

  • The pupil will have an SEN file where all records of meetings, assessment and professional advice are kept.
  • Interventions are reviewed termly by the SENCo, as part of the school's provision map. 
  • Class teachers are responsible for maintaining a class provision map which outlines the provision for identified groups or individuals in the class to support their learning. These are evaluated and updated termly by class teachers.
  • Intervention Plans for specific interventions to support a child's educational development will be sent to parents, and a copy kept in the SENCo file and, where applicable, the child's SEN file.
  • On completion of the intervention, a short summary report will be sent to parents.
  • Pen Portraits will be written for identified pupils to support a personalised approach to learning support and to aid transition information between staff. These are updated as new information is known (at least once a year).
  • Pupil Passports are written annually for every child with an EHC Plan to include key learning outcomes, educational provision and medical needs to support clear information sharing between pupils, parents and staff. These are updated at the start of each new academic year.
  • My Plan - any child with an Area of Need Level of 3 or above on the Sheffield Support Grid will be placed on a ‘My Plan’. If progress is not achieved over time, consideration will be given to applying for an EHC Plan in full discussion with parents.



  • Class teachers will share with parents any concerns they have regarding the educational progress of a pupil (and vice versa).
  • The SENCo will meet with the class teacher and parent to discuss concerns, and decide on any further assessment work to be undertaken, and by whom.
  • The class teacher will complete an Initial Concerns Checklist, which will form a baseline of any assessment as part of the process of a child being placed on the SEND register.
  • In agreement with parents, the pupil will be placed on the SEND register for 'SEN Support’.




  • Following a period of closer assessment (by the class teacher, SENCo, or outside professional), a meeting will be held with parents, class teacher and initially the SENCo to formulate a plan of action to support the pupil, based on any new knowledge.
  • Provision and strategies to support the child's SEN will be discussed at the meeting.
  • From this, a support plan will be discussed, which may include access to specific interventions or resources, a Pen Portrait or a Positive Behaviour Support Plan to outline key strategies, provision, action points and outcomes for the pupil.
  • The class teacher is responsible for ensuring any provision in place for a child/children in his/her class is placed on the class Provision Map, which is updated termly.


  • The additional provision outlined in the support plan from the above meeting will be carried out for an agreed time.
  • The class teacher remains responsible for the progress of the child on a daily basis and will liaise with any staff or outside agencies to closely monitor the progress of the pupil.
  • The SENCo supports staff in any further assessments, problem-solving and advising on the effective implementation of support and provision.



SEN SUPPORT – Monitoring

Where pupils have a confirmed diagnosis (such as Autism or ADHD) but no identified learning needs, they will be placed on the SEN register in a monitoring capacity.  This ensures close monitoring of progress and sharing of key information between staff.  Such pupils will not require an SEN review.  Updates on progress will be shared with parents through twice yearly parents’ evenings and termly reports.


The timings and consultation of some reviews will depend on individual circumstances and need.  However, in line with the Code of Practice, there will be three review meetings a year following the general format below:

  • Autumn Term: SEN or My Plan Review meeting with parents, class teacher, SENCo (and where appropriate, the pupil). 
  • Spring Term: an extended parents' evening appointment with the class teacher. Some pupils will require an SEN or My Plan review meeting (this will replace the parents’ evening appointment).
  • Summer Term: review meeting with class teacher, parent (and where appropriate, the pupil).

Transition information will be shared with staff in preparation for the new academic year.

The SENCo will be involved in any identified review meetings, where necessary.

Review meetings will focus on the following areas:

  • the effectiveness of support/provision and its impact on pupil progress;
  • future provision and support;
  • contributions of parents;
  • contribution of pupils, where appropriate;
  • updated information and advice;
  • future action and outcomes.

Parents of pupils in Year 6 on SEN Support will be given the opportunity to meet with the relevant secondary school SENCo in the summer term of Y6 to discuss any issues around future support and transition.


Within the graduated approach, where there is evidence through review meetings that a pupil is making good progress and no longer requires provision which is different from or additional to other pupils the same age, the child will be taken off the SEND register in agreement with parents and the class teacher.  This action will be documented in the review meeting notes.  The SENCo will then amend the register with the date of the agreed exit.  Pupils will continue to be closely monitored through class pupil progress meetings (involving class teachers and the Senior Leadership Team).


Reviews are held three times a year, once a term with parents, class teacher, SENCo and any relevant outside professionals.  One of these will be an Annual Review of the child's EHC Plan. 

The focus of the Annual Review is to determine the following:

  • Is the EHC Plan still appropriate?
  • Are the child's needs being adequately met?
  • What progress has the child made towards the outcomes?
  • Have the circumstances changed?
  • Is any additional or alternative provision required?
  • Are any further assessments necessary?

Copies of the report, minutes of the Annual Review meeting and any supporting documentation are sent to the Local Authority within 10 days of the meeting, in line with the Code of Practice, and circulated to all relevant parties.  The school recognises the responsibility of the LA in deciding whether to maintain, amend or cease an EHC Plan.

The Annual Review of a Y4 pupil should also aim to give consideration to the type of educational provision the child will require at the secondary stage.  It is therefore recommended that parents visit any secondary schools they may be considering for their child on secondary transfer, to offer an informed choice of provision.


In agreement with the parents/carers, the school will request a Statutory Assessment of SEN from the Local Authority when, despite an individualised programme of sustained intervention within SEN Support, the pupil's progress remains a significant cause for concern.  This will be conducted through the process of the My Plan.  This assessment will determine whether it is necessary to create an Education Health Care Plan for the child. A statutory assessment for an EHC Plan may also be requested by a parent/carer or outside agency.  The school however recognises that the request for a statutory assessment of SEN does not inevitably lead to an EHC Plan.  This remains the decision of the Local Authority (LA).  The school will provide detailed evidence to the LA in order for it to make an informed decision as to whether an EHC Plan assessment is necessary, within the relevant timescales outlined in the Code of Practice.


    • The school recognises that pupils at school with medical conditions should be properly supported so they can have full access to education, including school trips and physical education. Some children with medical conditions may be disabled and where this is the case, school will comply with its duties under the Equality Act 2010.  Consideration will be given to implementing a My Plan for individual pupils, in discussion with parents (for those children without an EHCP).
    • Some children may also have SEND and may have an EHC Plan which brings together health, social care needs, as well as their special educational provision; in these cases the SEND Code of Practice (2014) is followed.
    • Further information on supporting pupils with medical conditions can be found in the school's Medical Conditions Policy which can be found on the school website). The Medical Team in school oversees all the medical provision for pupils including individual healthcare plans.


The school’s inclusive ethos to all children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and other vulnerable pupils is reflected within the integrated resource where all children with SEND are integrated within whole school and class activities according to need and includes access to a personalised curriculum, where appropriate.  Pupils’ individual timetables are reviewed termly to encourage full engagement and participation in both IR and mainstream class lessons.  We regularly liaise with a number of external professionals to address the pupils' special needs, such as Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Visual Impairment Team.

The budget is allocated in accordance with the school development plan.  Additional support is funded through allocations from the Local Authority for the integrated resource and through Locality based funding for identified pupils (currently those meeting level 4 or 5 on the Sheffield Support Grid).

Specialist provision includes:

  • ICT, including specific software to aid access and inclusion to a range of topics.
  • Outdoor learning and life skills, to develop social and independence skills, including access to the school woods.
  • Individualised equipment for those pupils with specific difficulties relating to physical, visual and communication needs (closely monitored by relevant outside professionals in conjunction with staff and SENCo).
  • Access to a disabled toilet area and a sluice with changing facilities including hoist, changing bed, disabled toilet and shower.
  • Ramps and wheelchair friendly paths to enable access to all areas of the school grounds.
  • Automatic doors to encourage independence skills in our pupils with visual or physical disabilities.
  • Please refer to the school's Accessibility Policy for additional information.

General training:

  • The school recognises the importance of training class teachers and teaching assistants both within school, and through training provided by outside agencies. The SENCo is responsible for being aware of any SEND training available and facilitating access to this for relevant staff.
  • The school is committed to maintaining a high level of Quality First Teaching throughout the school by delivering high quality INSET and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) linked to national developments, for all staff.
  • The SENCo regularly attends the Local Authority's network meetings in order to keep up to date with local and national updates in SEND.


A variety of professionals offer advice and liaise regularly with the SENCo, teachers and teaching assistants.  These include:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Early Years Inclusion Team
  • Visually Impaired Team
  • Hearing Impaired Team
  • Autism Team
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Social Services
  • MAST team
  • Community Paediatrician
  • Clinical Psychology Service on a consultancy basis


Further information regarding SEND provision can be found from the following:

  • Local Authority local offer (on the Sheffield Council website).
  • SEN Information Report on the school website.
  • Admissions policy on the school website.
  • Access arrangements for Y6 tests (including additional time, readers or scribes) will be submitted by the Y6 teacher and SENCo (March/April) and parents will be informed of any outcomes. The SENCo will undertake any additional tests prior to this submission as supporting evidence.
  • The SEN Disability Information Advice Support Service - SENDIAS (formerly Parent Partnership) can offer impartial advice and support. Contact number: (0114) 2736009.
  • The Diocesan Special Needs Advisory Committee also has a number of trained volunteers who act as Parent Advocates. Please contact the Hallam Caring Service for further advice (0114) 2554790.
  • Information for parents on school activities and general information is provided via the school prospectus, reports, weekly e-bulletins, parents' evenings, class blogs on the school website and Twitter accounts.

Parents are also encouraged to discuss any concerns about their child with class teachers as soon as they arise.  Further communication can then be determined between the class teacher and parent such as email, telephone conversation, communication book/record or face to face discussion.


The school considers the SEN and Inclusion policy document to be important and, in conjunction with the Governing Body, will undertake a review of both policy and practice each year.  The outcomes of this review may be used to inform the School Development Plan.

Date:                           January 2020

Review Date:             January 2021

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